Daily Practice Notes and Observations - January 15, 2023
Is there a gig that is coming up where you can't stop thinking about? Everytime you are driving around, you're thinking "damn, I should be practicing". I know, I do that. My next job is about 2lbs of paper, probably approaching like 80 sheets at this point. So, I just start at the beginning and listen, make notes, play, listen some more, write more notes and then play some more. Until I get to the end. Right now, I'm taking about 2 days to work through the entire setlist. When it all goes down, we'll play for about 1hr. That sounds hysterical. Until it's not. You know what I am talking about, not being prepared. It is the worst. So, we just do what we have to do and carry on. Don't drive with your bass in your lap.
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